Professor Watson
Professor Jon Watson is a gastroenterologist in clinical practice at Epworth Hospital Geelong, and University Hospital Geelong. He attended Cambridge University for his undergraduate degrees in Medicine, and Oxford University for his clinical studies. He trained as a physician and gastroenterologist in the UK. Whilst training, he was awarded a PhD for studies into Hepatitis C Virus infection and liver disease.
He then migrated to Australia, with his family. He has practised, researched and taught in a number of centres in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia. He has maintained an active research interest in a variety of gastroenterological sub-specialties, including Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) related liver disease, and he has published in peer-reviewed journals, presented at national and international meetings for the last 20 years, and has been Meeting Organiser twice for the Australian Gastroenterology Society's annual meeting.
He has a longstanding interest in medical education, and previously served as Dean of Medicine at Deakin University, Victoria, and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at The University of Western Australia. In 2014, he completed a Graduate Certificate in Medical Education with the University of Dundee Medical School, Scotland. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London and a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. In 2012, Professor Watson was appointed to the National Examining Panel of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, and in 2021, he was appointed as an Affiliate Professor in the School of Medicine, Faculty of Health at Deakin University.
Professor Watson completed his recertification for adult colonoscopy through the GESA Colonoscopy Recertification Program in 2023
Professional affiliations
Request for expert opinion: Medicolegal work
Professor Watson is available to provide expert medicolegal opinions and consults on clinical governance and health systems. He is a member of the expert clinical panel of TMLEP, an independent clinical practice providing clinical investigations, analytics and health tech solutions to healthcare providers, insurers, lawyers and regulators in Australia and internationally.
Professor Watson has also provided expert medical opinions for Experts Direct, and a number of independent law firms across Melbourne and Australia.
Active research studies
Incidence, prevalence and recurrence of serrated colonic polyps among patients undergoing polypectomy at a regional hospital in Victoria, Australia
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common cancer to cause death in Australia. Serrated polyps are precursors in 15-30% of all detected CRC, via the serrated neoplasia pathway
The purpose of this study was to:
Determine the prevalence of serrated colonic polyps,
Establish the incidence of CRC in patients undergoing serrated polypectomy, and establish the recurrence of polyps and incidence of interval CRC in the five years following polypectomy,
Determine adherence to surveillance guidelines
Establish the effect of quality parameters on polyp recurrence and CRC incidence
Dr Hannah Ryan
Dr Stella May Gwini
Prof. Jon Watson, Consultant Gastroenterologist
Dr Sina Alexander, Consultant Gastroenterologist
Bowel Cancer Screening for age groups 30-39 and 40-49 in the Geelong Region, a pilot study.
Bowel Cancer Screening for age groups 30-39 and 40-49 in the Geelong Region, a pilot study
Colorectal cancer was the 3rd most diagnosed cancer in Australia in 2016 and it is estimated that it will be the 4th most diagnosed cancer in 2020
Australia commenced an organised program of colorectal cancer population screening in 2006, with the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program open to all Australians aged between 50 and 75
The age specific incidence data shows that colorectal cancer increases rapidly beyond the age of 50. However, cases are seen from 30-49 years of age
In the Geelong Region, we have little data available on the incidence of colorectal cancer in the age groups 30-39 and 40-49
Our pilot study focuses on the incidence of colorectal cancer in patients aged 30-49 years in Geelong, the survival rate based on gender in this age group, and the staging of disease at the time of diagnosis
Incidence data will be helpful from a population health perspective when future health advice is provided to different age groups within the Geelong region. It would also help in resource allocation for endoscopic services, Faecal Occult Blood Testing, and population follow up programs
This study is supported by Rotary Bowelscan, and we are very grateful for their support
Our research poster was accepted for presentation at Australian Gastroenterology Week 2022
Prof Jon Watson, Consultant Gastroenterologist
Dr Sina Alexander, Consultant Gastroenterologist and Director of Endoscopy
Dr Sarah Taylor, Dr Daniel Ng, Dr Dilini Abeywickrama, Medical Registrars
Our second research poster was accepted for presentation at Australian Gastroenterology Week 2024
Resetting the microbiome to improve long-COVid Emotional wellbeing and Resilience: The RECOVER Study
Professor Watson is an Associate Investigator on the RECOVER study, which is led by Dr Amelia McGuinness of the Deakin University Food and Mood Centre. It has been funded by the Medical Research Future Fund and will commence in late 2024,
The RECOVER study will test the feasibility of our rigorously designed, innovative study protocol of faecal microbiome transplantation (FMT) as a novel intervention strategy to safeguard the mental wellbeing of the >1 million Australians though to be affected by long COVID.
This case study was accepted for presentation at Australian Gastroenterology Week 2024
Prior research studies
1. I have acted as supervising clinician in a randomised double blinded European trial (with 10 centres participating) to determine the effects of ribavirin on patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection (supervisor: Prof Maggie Bassendine). The results of the trial have been presented in a plenary session at the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, 1994 and published in the Journal of Hepatology, 1996.
2. I have acted as supervising clinician in a trial assessing the response of patients with combined immunodeficiencies who were acutely infected with hepatitis C virus from a contaminated batch of imunoglobulin (supervisor: Prof Maggie Bassendine). The results of the trial have been presented at the American Gastroenterology Association, 1995, and published in the Journal of Clinical Experimental Immunology, 1997.
3. I have participated in a pilot study in South Cleveland Hospital to assess the effect of oral antoxidant therapy in the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis (supervisor: Prof Mike Bramble). The results have been published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 1999.
4. I have researched the effect of Argon Plasma Coagulation in therapeutic endoscopy and colonoscopy (supervisor: Dr Ken Matthewson). The work has involved treating patients with benign and malignant tumours, and bleeding angiodysplastic lesions and ulcers. We have also assessed the basic tissue effect on resection specimens of oesophagus, stomach and colon. Our initial results have been presented at the British Society of Gastroenterology in March 1997 and to the European Gastroenterology meeting (Birmingham) as an oral presentation in September 1997. The results have been published in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
5. I collaborated with colleagues in a trial to assess the tolerability of unsedated gastroscopy at St John of God Hospital in Ballarat 1998-99. The results were published in the Journal of Quality in Clinical Practice, 2001.
6. I was principal investigator on 5 separate treatment trials in HCV infection at the John Hunter Hospital in NSW (Chariot, EPIC, Achieve, ATAHC, GET-C), and am involved in several other studies (Hep 573 herbal study, EAP, Methadone study). I am now principal investigator in the Chariot Study in the liver clinic at Barwon Health, Geelong, and am hoping to commence a further clinical study within the next year on the use of protease inhibitors in HCV infection in collaboration with Abbott Australia, again at Barwon health, Geelong.
7. I was successful in obtaining a John Hunter charitable foundation grant for research into HCV treatment, 2006 (co-investigator Professor R Batey).
8. I have acted as Principal Investigator in Geelong in a trial into IL28 HLA associations for prognosis to treatment response in HCV infection. This is a multicentre study in collaboration with other members of the Australian Liver Disease Research Group.
9. I have acted as Principal Investigator in Geelong in a molecular study on HCV/lipoprotein interaction and disease state, in collaboration with my laboratory colleagues at the John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle NSW. The results have been presented as an abstract for Australian Gastroenterology Week (2010), and have been published in a peer reviewed journal.
10. I have supervised a number of other clinical studies into HCV infection, including an analysis of ARFI Ultrasound and its accuracy in the determination of liver fibrosis, and a “real world” audit of response to HCV treatment in the Geelong Liver Clinic. Both of these studies have been presented at Australian Gastroenterology Week in abstract form and the audit of HCV treatment has been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
11. I acted as Chief Investigator in two research studies into COVID-19 infection during 2020, funded by the Health Dept of WA, establishing a Biobank and Clinical Database for COVID-19 infected patients to assist in the response to the Pandemic in Western Australia.
12. I have collaborated with a number of clinical and research colleagues in WA and NSW including the Harry Perkins Medical Research Institute, Curtin University, and UWA, in a new trial funded by the Cancer Research Trust looking at primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC). We studied new preventive strategies, biomarkers and treatments to improve outcome in patients with HCC. The trial commenced in 2021.
13. A feasibility study was conducted at Deakin University to investigate the treatment results of a faecal microbiota transplant (FMT) delivered via an enema to patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Prof Watson acted as a member of the Data Safety Monitoring Board, which was tasked with providing advice on safety or trial conduct issues by making recommendations to the sponsor on whether to continue, modify or stop a trial for safety or ethical reasons
Prokaryotic expression and analysis of the antibody response to a Newcastle isolate of the core gene of hepatitis C. ID Milton, JP Watson, K Guo, MJ Carter, MF Bassendine and GL Toms. Journal of Medical Virology, 1995;45:253-258.
Chronic hepatitis. JP Watson and MF Bassendine. In "Current Diagnosis and Therapy", Ed. R Pounder, Pub. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1995.
Hepatitis C virus: epidemiology and genotypes in the North East of England. JP Watson, AM Brind, CE Chapman, S Bates, FK Gould, SJ Johnson, A Burt, J Ferguson, P Simmonds, MF Bassendine. Gut 1996;38:269-276.
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and hepatitis C virus infection. AM Brind, JP Watson, A Burt, P Kesteven, J Wallace, SJ Proctor, MF Bassendine. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 1996;21:127-130.
Hepatitis C virus infection in the elderly. AM Brind, JP Watson, OFW James, MF Bassendine. Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 1996;89:291-296.
Hepatitis C virus density heterogeneity and viral titre in acute and chronic infection: a comparison of immunodeficient and immunocompetent patients. JP Watson, DJ Bevitt, GP Spickett, GL Toms and MF Bassendine. Journal of Hepatology, 1996;25:599-607.
Ribavirin treatment for patients with chronic hepatitis C: results of a placebo-controlled study. G Dusheiko, J Main, H Thomas, O Reichard, C Lee, A Dhillon, S Rassam, A Fryden, H Reesink, M Bassendine, G Norkrans, T Cuypers, N Lelie, P Telfer, J Watson, C Weegink, P Sillikens and O Weiland. Journal of Hepatology, 1996;25:591-598.
Percutaneous endoscopic gastroenterostomy and jejunal extension for gastric stasis in pancreatic carcinoma. JP Watson, KA Mannix, K Matthewson. Palliative Medicine, 1997;11:407-410.
Risk factors and medical follow-up of drug users tested for hepatitis C: can the risk of transmission be reduced? MA Serfaty, A Lawrie, B Smith, AM Brind, JP Watson, E Gilvarry and MF Bassendine. Drug and Alcohol Review, 1997;16:339-347
Clinical outcome of hypogammaglobulinaemic patients following outbreak of acute hepatitis C: 2 year follow up. JM Christie, CJ Healey, JP Watson, VS Wong, M Duddridge, N Snowden, WM Rosenberg, KA Fleming, H Chapel, RW Chapman. Clin Exp Immunol, 1997;110,4-8.
Case report: Massively elevated serum ferritin in an ill man with abnormal liver function tests. JP Watson, MG Bramble and SK Ghosh. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 1998:74, 619-620.
Case report: Oral antioxidant therapy for the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis: A pilot study. JP Watson, DEJ Jones, OFW James, PA Cann, MG Bramble. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 1999:14,1034-1040.
Hepatitis C virus genotypes in a cohort of Middle Eastern patients. JP Watson, H Al Mardini, C.O. Record. Annals Saudi Medicine, 1999. 79 (5) 99, 5.410.
A study of the tissue effect of argon plasma coagulation on oesophageal and gastric mucosa. JP Watson, MK Bennett, SM Griffin, K Matthewson. Gastroentestinal Endoscopy. 2000: 52, 342-345.
An audit of sedated versus unsedated gastroscopy: do patients notice a difference? JP Watson, C Goss, G Phelps. Journal of Quality in Clinical Practice, 2001: 21, 26-29.
Haemochromatosis. JP Watson. Medicine Today (Invited Review Article), August 2004, Vol 5, No 8.
Gastroparesis and Multiple Sclerosis. S Raghav, JP Watson, W Spring. Multiple Sclerosis 2006: 12, 243-244.
Hepatitis C Virus RNA quantitation and degradation studies in whole blood samples in vitro. JP Watson, S Graves, J Ferguson, C D’Este and R Batey. Gut, 2006: 56, Issue 2.
Hereditary Haemochromatosis. C Hair and JP Watson. Australian Doctor (Invited Review Article), 19 October 2007: 31- 38.
Chronic Hepatitis C. J Watson and C Hair. Medicine Today (Invited Review Article), 2008: 9, 66-67.
Symptomatic bronchial aspiration of capsule endoscope - a significant complication. J Ding, C Hair, P de Cruz, J Watson. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2013: 28, 761.
Hepatitis C virus heterogeneity: lipoprotein and immunoglobulin binding and clinical status. NR Adler, M Biddle, L Beswick, C Hair, B Allen, S Graves, A Islam, JP Watson. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology, 2013: 3(4), 362-363.
Nurse assessment clinic: an efficient and effective delivery of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) assessment and review. M Biddle, N Adler, M Heath, S Streat, M Wardrop, J P Watson. Internal Medical Journal, 2014: 44(6), 581-585.
Distribution of interferon lambda-3 gene polymorphisms in Australian patients with previously untreated genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C: Analysis from the PREDICT and CHARIOT studies.
Roberts SK, Mitchell J, Leung R, Booth D, Bollipo S, Ostapowicz G, Sloss A, McCaughan GW, Dore GJ, Thompson A, Crawford DH, Sievert W, Weltman M, Cheng W, George J; Australian Liver Association Clinical Research Network.
Collaborators: Angus P, Bollipo S, Hunter J, Cheng W, Chu G, Cornwall M, Crawford D, Dore G, Douglas M, George J, Hallinan R, Haque M, Hawkin G, Jackson H, Johnson R, Kronborg I, Lee A, Leggett B, Mire ML, Levy M, Lubel J, MacQuillan G, Masson J, McCaughan G, McDonald J, McGarity B, Mollison L, Nicoll A, Ombiga J, Ostapowicz G, Riordan S, Roberts S, Sloss A, Sievert W, Strasser S, Thompson A, Watson J, Weltman M, Wenman J, Wigg A, Zekry A. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 Jan;29(1):179-84. doi: 10.1111/jgh.12424
Hepatitis C virus treatment in the “real world”: how well do 'real' patients respond? D Friedman, A Ting, J Green, S Stephen, H Weber, J Watson. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology 2014: 4, 214-220, 10.1016/j.jceh.2014.07.003.
Leasing a Medical Curriculum, what is it worth? Prideaux D, Ash J, Broadley S, Crotty B, Hart W, Searle J, Watson J, Wing L, Worley P. Medical Teacher 2019 Feb 8:1-6. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2018.1563290.
Supporting general practitioners and allied health professionals’ involvement in primary care research: the Kardinia Health model. Andrew Sanigorski, Gerard Gill, Tim Denton, Nic Brayshaw, Cathy McDonald and Jon Watson. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 2019, 25, v–lvii doi:10.1071/PYv25n3abs.
West Australian Pandemic Response: The Black Swan of Black Swans. David Cavanagh, Mark Hoey, Andrew Clark, Michael Small, Paul Bailey, Jon Watson. Categories: q-bio.PE econ.GN q-fin.EC. arXiv:2008.08918 [q-bio.PE]. 17 August, 2020.
Essentials of Internal Medicine, 3rd Edition. Ed. Talley, N.J., Frankum, B., and Currow, D. Elsevier, Sydney, 2014. Hepatology (pp371-406), invited reviewer.
Presentations to learned societies
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
Analysis of the Proteolytic Processing of the HCV core protein in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Expression Systems. JP Watson, ID Milton, K Guo, MJ Carter, GL Toms, MF Bassendine. Oral presentation, plenary session, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Chicago, Nov 4-7, 1993. Hepatology 1993;18:149A.
Results of a placebo-controlled study of ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C. G Dusheiko, O Weiland, H Thomas, O Reichard, C Lee, A Dhillon, A Fryden, H Reesink, M Bassendine, G Norkrans, H Cuypers, P Lelie, J Main, P Telfer, S Rassam, J Watson, C Weegink. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Chicago, Nov 11-15, 1994. Hepatology 1994;20:206A.
Hepatitis C virus density heterogeneity and viral titre in acute and chronic infection: a comparison of immunodeficient and immunocompetent patients. JP Watson, DJ Bevitt, GP Spickett, GL Toms and MF Bassendine. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Chicago, Nov 3-7, 1995. Hepatology 1995;22:934.
Assessment and medical follow up of intravenous drug users positive for hepatitis C virus. AM Brind, MA Serfaty, A Lawrie, JP Watson, S Johnson, E Gilvarry and MF Bassendine. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Chicago, Nov 3-7, 1995. Hepatology 1995;22:1114.
Treatment and outcome of acute hepatitis C infection in hypogammaglobulinaemia - 2 year follow up of the UK gammagard outbreak. J Christie, C Healey, J Watson, S Wong, M Durridge, N Snowdon, W Rosenberg, K Fleming, H Chapel and R Chapman. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Chicago, Nov 9-12, 1996 Hepatology 1996;24:399A.
European Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
Antibody to Recombinant Hepatitis C Virus Core Antigen (rHCVcAg): a better marker of HCV related chronic liver disease than viraemia?. ID Milton, JP Watson, K Guo, MJ Carter, GL Toms, MF Bassendine. European Association for the Study of the Liver, Paris, Sept 1-4, 1993. Journal of Hepatology 1993;18:S31.
Characterization of Structural Nucleotide Sequences from British Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) isolates. K Guo, JP Watson, ID Milton, MJ Carter, GL Toms, MF Bassendine. European Association for the Study of the Liver, Paris, Sept 1-4, 1993. Journal of Hepatology 1993;18:S32.
The HCV core protein: nuclear and cytoplasmic location in a eukaryotic expression system. JP Watson, K Mitchell, ID Milton, K Guo, JE Hines, AD Burt, GL Toms and MF Bassendine. European Association for the Study of the Liver, Athens, Sept 7-10, 1994. Journal of Hepatology 1994;21:S30.
2nd International Meeting on HCV
The processing of the hepatitis C virus core protein in a eukaryotic expression system. JP Watson, K Mitchell, ID Milton, K Guo, JE Hines, AD Burt, GL Toms and MF Bassendine. 2nd International Meeting on Hepatitis C and related viruses, University of California, San Diego, July 31-August 5, 1994.
3rd International Meeting on HCV
Is the antibody response to hepatitis C virus E1 glycoprotein protective? JP Watson, ID Milton, DJ Bevitt, K Mitchell, K Guo, GL Toms and MF Bassendine. 3rd International Meeting on Hepatitis C and related viruses, Gold Coast, Australia, August 28-September 3, 1995.
Hepatitis C virus: epidemiology and genotypes in the North East of England. JP Watson, AM Brind, CE Chapman, CL Bates, FK Gould, SJ Johnson, AD Burt and MF Bassendine. 3rd International Meeting on Hepatitis C and related viruses, Gold Coast, Australia, August 28-September 3, 1995.
British Society of Gastroenterology
Treatment of acute hepatitis C with alpha interferon in hypogammaglobulinaemia: the UK gammagard outbreak. CJ Healey, JP Watson, M Durridge, N Snowdon, J Christie, S Wong, S Read, J Kurtz, KA Fleming, H Chapel and RWG Chapmen. British Society of Gastroenterology, UMIST, April 7, 1995. Gut 1995;36:W8.
Colonoscopic argon plasma coagulation for benign and malignant rectal tumours. JP Watson, S Jowett, K Oppong, CO Record, K Matthewson. British Society of Gastroenterology, Brighton, March 1997. Gut 1997;40:A39.
American Gastroenterology Association
Treatment of acute hepatitis C with alpha interferon in hypogammaglobulinaemia: the UK gammagard outbreak. CJ Healey, JP Watson, M Durridge, N Snowdon, J Christie, S Wong, S Read, J Kurtz, KA Fleming, H Chapel and RWG Chapman. American Gastroenterology Association, San Diego, 1995. Gastroenterology 1995;108: A1082.
International Association for the Study of the Liver
Hepatitis C virus E1 glycoprotein: is a humoral response protective? JP Watson, DJ Bevitt, GL Toms and MF Bassendine. International Association for the Study of the Liver, Cape Town, February 20-24, 1996. Hepatology 1996;23:73.
Hepatitis C virus infection in a drug dependency centre in North East England. AM Brind, MA Serfaty, A Lawrie, JP Watson, S Johnson, E Gilvarry and MF Bassendine. International Association for the Study of the Liver, Cape Town, February 20-24, 1996. Hepatology 1996;23:102.
United European Gastroenterology Week
A Study of the tissue effect of Argon Plasma Coagulation on Oesophageal and Gastric mucosa. JP Watson, K Wood, IM Griffin, MK Bennett and K Matthewson. 6th UEGW (oral presentation), Birmingham, October 18-23, 1997, Gut 1997, Supp 3, Vol 41, E19.
Endoscopic Argon Plasma Coagulation: a better treatment for malignant dysphagia than laser therapy? JP Watson, K Oppong, S Jowett, CO Record and K Matthewson. 6th UEGW, Birmingham, October 18-23, 1997, Gut 1997, Supp 3, Vol 41, E32.
Is acoustic resonance force impulse (ARFI) a good technique for imaging liver cirrhosis and fibrosis? An observational study in an Australian tertiary hospital liver clinic service. Berlin, Oct 2013, Gut 2013, Supp (in press).
2nd International Conference on Capsule Endoscopy
Capsule obstruction in distal small bowel: a complication with therapeutic consequences? J Watson, B Stewart. 2nd International Conference on Capsule Endoscopy: Changing Clinical Practice, Berlin (oral presentation), March 23-25, 2003.
5th Australasian Viral Hepatitis Conference
Hepatitis C Virus RNA Quantitation and Degradation Studies in Whole Blood Samples. J Watson, S Graves, J Ferguson, C D’Este, R Batey. 5th Australasian Viral Hepatitis Conference, (oral presentation), Sydney, February 2006.
Australian Gastroenterology Week
An audit of sedated versus unsedated gastroscopy: do patients notice a difference? G.Phelps, C Goss, J Watson, Australian Gastroenterology Week, Brisbane, October 1999.
Debate on liver biopsy in fatty liver (Invited Speaker). Australian Gastroenterology Week, Brisbane October 2004.
Comparison of two patient satisfaction surveys conducted at the John Hunter Hospital Hepatitis C clinic. GA Murphy, Tl Jones, E Ianna, J Watson. Australian Gastroenterology Week, Adelaide, October 2006. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 21:S4 A305, 2006.
Characteristics of Hepatitis C infected patients in the hunter area. S Al-Sohaily, B Daugherty, J Watson. Australian Gastroenterology Week, Adelaide, October 2006. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 21:S4 A304, 2006.
Effect of cannabis on disease activity in hepatitis C infected individuals (oral presentation). S Al-Sohaily, B Daugherty, J Watson. Australian Gastroenterology Week, Adelaide, October 2006. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 21:S4 A307, 2006.
Serum cholesterol and liver disease in Hepatitis C Virus patients: is high cholesterol protective? B Daugherty, J Watson. Australian Gastroenterology Week, Adelaide, October 2006. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 21:S4 A324, 2006.
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) heterogeneity: lipoprotein and immunoglobulin binding and clinical status. L Beswick, C Hair, B Allen, S Graves, A Islam, J Watson. Australian Gastroenterology Week, Gold Coast, October 2010. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 25;S3A120-A121, 2010.
Nurse assessment clinic: an efficient and effective delivery of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) assessment and review. M Biddle, N Adler, M Heath, S Streat, M Wardrop, J Watson. Australian Gastroenterology Week, Adelaide October 2012. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 27;S4:69-70, 2012.
Hepatitis C virus treatment in the “real world”: how well do 'real' patients respond? A Ting, J Green, S Stephen, H Weber, D Friedman, J Watson. Australian Gastroenterology Week, Adelaide October 2012. J Gastroenterol Hepatol; 27;S4:181-182, 2012.
A single centre retrospective cohort study evaluating the complications and mortality in patients who have undergone a faecal microbiota transplant for Clostridium difficile infection. S Taylor, S Chand and J Watson. Abstract presented at at Australian Gastroenterology Week, October 2021.
Incidence of colorectal cancer in the age group of 30-49 years in the Geelong region, a pilot study. Taylor S, Cann E, Abeywickrama D, Knights E, Gwini SM, Alexander S, Watson J. Abstract presented at at Australian Gastroenterology Week, October 2022
Incidence, prevalence and recurrence of serrated colonic polyps among patients undergoing polypectomy at a regional hospital in Victoria, Australia. Ryan H, Gwini SM, Watson J, Alexander S. Abstract presented at at Australian Gastroenterology Week, September 2023.
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Cohort Analysis of Simulation-based Medical Training for Decision Support
J Zhang, S Hanoun, B Khan, D Creighton, S Nahavandi, K Britt, K D’Souza, J Watson, R Yanieri. Accepted for presentation May 2017, Submission number: 877.
Kardinia Health Research Committee presentations
Sanigorski, A., Gill, G., Watson, J, Campbell, K., Bell, C., McCoombe, S., Denton, T., McDonald, C., &. Bourke, J. (2017). The Kardinia Health Research Committee: How Deakin University collaborates with general practice health professionals to support high-quality research projects. 22nd WONCA World Conference of Family Doctor, Seoul, KOREA, 17 Oct 2017.
Sanigorski, A., Gill, G., Watson, J, Campbell, K., Bell, C., McCoombe, S., Denton, T., McDonald, C., &. Bourke, J. (2018). The Kardinia Health Research Committee: Deakin support for primary care research projects. Barwon Health and Deakin University Research Week, Geelong, Australia, 12 Nov 2018.